Review: Inklight Poetry Slam, OTR


Reviewed by Soph Penelope Hill

I will admit, before this On The Rocks event I was a poetry slam virgin. Something about a group of very, very intense and passionate people voicing their feelings in a rhythmic fashion didn't resonate with me. The only real knowledge I had was the scene in 22 Jump Street where Jonah Hill gives a very passionate delivery of a poem he makes up on the spot. And while that was hilarious, but also the definition of extra, I wondered could there be a happy medium? To my surprise, this poetry slam was actually a great in-between. 

The vibe in the room itself was incredibly chill; people were sprawled on couches catching up and drinking complimentary wine. A few nervous poets were huddled around making last-minute edits before their big performance. Five poets were to perform, in a three-round system, and then in the final stage the top three would show off their best work. The winner would then continue onto the Poetry Grand Slam. I was hoping it would be almost like a hip-hop rap battle, where each poet faced-off while also break dancing. It was much tamer than that, probably for the best. Two poets really stood out to me that night: Parker and Eva.

The first poet (and spoiler alert: the CHAMPION) Parker, had some amazing, fresh, and vibrant poems that really engaged the audience. Their humour was, dare I say, on point. One of their poems was called: Taylor Swift Bitch, which really struck a chord with the audience and left everyone laughing. I really personally enjoyed the way in which their words captured human emotion in a raw and accurate way, while still making it relatable and high-brow in the same moment. A true expression of real artistic talent. 

Another poet, Eva, was new to the slam poetry scene. But no one would have been able to tell. Her poems were so incredibly personal and nostalgic, it truly reminded me of the power of art, her talent moved me. I do not think anyone could have listened to her words and not felt personally touched. She did not make it to the final round, but I honestly felt like she was robbed a la Timothée Chalmet at this year’s Oscars. Keep trying girl, you got it all going on.

A huge congratulations to all the poets who were brave enough to boldly wear their hearts on their sleeves in front of a tonne of strangers. My hat truly goes off to you. I would highly recommend Inklight events to everyone and anyone for I think they are a great way to see just how talented the St. Andrews community really is. Also a massive shoutout to Inklight society for throwing this spectacular, smoothly-run event; the group is a truly brilliant addition to our St. Andrews campus. To anyone who knows me personally, this would seem the sort of event I would shy away from. Having been welcomed so brilliantly into the poetry-slam scene with this five-star event, I know I shall be returning. 


ST.ART Magazine