DONT WALK 2018: What's to Come?

Still from taken from DONT WALK 2018 'Ground Control' promotional video.

Still from taken from DONT WALK 2018 'Ground Control' promotional video.

By: Emma Corcoran

As you’ve no doubt already been made aware (I’m going to assume that you have Facebook here), DONT WALK recently launched its highly anticipated annual social media takeover – but this year, with an added and exhilarating twist: it announced an unprecedented renovation to the organisation’s website. For the first time, DONT WALK has dug into the private archives of its digital history and released that archival footage to the public. Through the amalgamation of sight and sound, and through the marrying of internal and external media sources, its online presence now commemorates the last decade of DONT WALK’s existence, while remaining true to its spirit. Just simply click on the ‘Archive’ tab and watch the evolution of the brand unfold.  


And of course, DONT WALK released its model line-up. The website features a spotlight on each model, with details regarding his/her year and hometown, as well as an exclusive behind-the-scenes collection of snip-its from the shoot. In the spirit of DONT WALK, the video exudes that edgy-provocative combo, heightened by the dramatic lighting and the hypnotic beats synchronized to sharp cuts. It’s intriguing, it’s unpredictable… and it makes us itch for more. The new crop of fresh faces intermixed with those seasoned vets always promises a show even bigger and better than the last – but this year, judging by their first few photoshoots, the runway show at their launch party back in November and now this brand new website launch, I can already tell that the talent and energy of this year’s team is unmatchable. They’ve set the bar high for this year’s show, but there’s no question in my mind that they will meet every expectation – and more.


Since the brand’s inception, DONT WALK has maintained a kind of hush-hush identity in its fusing of fashion, performance and sensory experience. As with every year, the Creative Director curates a show surrounding a specific theme, shrouded in mystery before its big build-up culminating in the show itself. Each year, the show’s theme takes shape in every form of sensory content: fashion (obviously) but also choreography, music and graphic videography. Last year’s theme was Progress/Regress: where we have come from, who we are now and what we might later become. This year’s theme remains a secret… for now.


So, what does this mean for the rest of us (and how will we survive the next few months wondering and waiting)? Well, over the next few weeks, DONT WALK plans to put out new material, slowly divulging the theme of the 2018 show, set for the 24th of February… so I guess that means standing by our phones for the notifications to start flooding our newsfeeds and inboxes (I know I will be).


Anxious anticipation? Might not be so good on my fingernails. But worth the wait? Without a doubt.   

Check out images from their latest shoot 'Ground Control' ( 






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