Crazy Rich Asians - A Film Everyone Needs to See

By: Soph Penelope Hill

When I first heard that the world-wide best-selling novel Crazy Rich Asians was being adapted into a movie, you probably couldn’t have found a person more excited than myself to see it. It practically became a hobby for me to follow the press leading up to it’s release this summer. I was absolutely obsessed with the novel and I had extremely high expectations for what I wanted to see on the screen. And it did not, I repeat, DID NOT disappoint.

The glitz, the glamour, the grandeur… I was transported into the fantastical world of the fabulously wealthy in the most entertaining way. The movie follows Rachel Chu, a smart and sweet Economics professor, as she journeys east to meet her boyfriend Nick’s family for the first time. Little does she know, Nick is from a blue-blood, diamond-encrusted linage filled with gossiping drama queens and bougie ballers. Needless to say, the tea is BOILING HOT. The chaos that ensues is quantifiably top-notch and enthralling to watch. John Chu, the film’s director, uses his superb eye in creating such a dynamic space where these characters shine on screen. It’s so exquisitely casted that the casting director deserves an Oscar for Outstanding Performance.

Starting with Henry Golding’s transformation into Nicholas Young, the dashing and charismatic son of the infamous Singaporean billionaire family. The bar for future fiancé’s everywhere has been raised to a new all-time high. His captivating presence and love-ability really make for the perfect kind of leading man, and one I feel like I haven’t seen on screen in a long time. Also, he’s incredibly hot. Bottom Line. End of Story. Marry Me.

And of course, perhaps the breakout star of the entire show is Awkwafina as Peik Lin. Nobody can hold a candle to her, in any setting, but especially not in this movie. Peik Lin could have been a throw-away, side character. But Awkwafina delivers a performance that was so entertaining and hysterical I basically just wanted to see her on screen for 2 hours. At one moment in the film, Peik Lin drives Rachel to Nick’s house for a dinner party. When asked if she would like to join the party, Peik Lin automatically agree’s and then proceeds to pull out a cocktail dress from her hot pink Audi’s trunk. Rachel question’s this random happening and Peik Lin responds with the zinger: “I am not an animal, Rachel.” It’s the best. I’m keeping in a multitude of dresses in my car from now on.


I was so hypnotized by this movie, and I have now seen it three times in theaters, but the glittery fashion and catchy one-liners are not the only things that resonated with me. As someone who identifies as a white, blonde, female in society, I see myself represented on screen a good amount. But I cannot imagine the impact seeing a movie like this must have meant to so many Asian people all over the world. On top of that, these characters were so fascinating and exciting that all viewer’s could easily relate to them. It’s resounding success is absolutely no surprise to me and I hope this is proof to all that diversity on-screen is not a trend. It’s a societal necessity and, can in-fact, lead to some of the best work we have seen at the box office in a long time. I literally stood up and clapped every time this movie ended, it’s that amazing.


In conclusion: What are you doing with your life if you haven’t seen this movie! Also, if anyone wants to buy me a ticket to Singapore so I can live in this movie, that’s also an option on the table.

All photos credited to Crazy Rich Asians, John M. Chu, 2018, Color Force.

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